Tuesday, March 27, 2007

GSK - "if it wasn't for you pesky kids!"

GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Ribena syrup, pleaded guilty to misleading the public about the drink's health benefits after being exposed by two teenage girls in a school science experiment.
The Auckland District Court fined GlaxoSmithKline 217,500 nzd for breaching fair trading laws with claims about the vitamin C content of the blackcurrant drink.



Benedict 16th said...

I can see it now Scooby and Shaggy can't find the Ribena™ Vitamin C some one had stolen it! Yoicks!!!!

While Velma potters in the lab doing an ascorbic acid assay, Daphne and Fred go hunting to find who stole the vitamin C.

GSK© MIB® chase them down the corridor in the old deserted factory* when voila their dividend checks come in from all that pharma investment**

So they all end up fat and lethargic, giving their pancreases*** a hard time, swallowing 1% sugar free Scooby Snacks


* The new factory of course is in Mumbai or Sechzuan
** Shaggy thought it was at more ethical than the slave trade or selling plutonium and didn't contribute to greenhouse gasses
*** I give in - what's the plural of panceas, pancreii?

Fid said...

Meet Larry Liebena

