Thursday, May 14, 2009

Merck - Vioxx: the trials continue

NYT's Natasha Singer reports.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merck says they marketed Vioxx responsibly. Is this with all their products, such as Vytorin?

The etiology for their pathogical and homicidal behavior is mathematical:

Let's go back to the mid to late 1990s. Merck was basking in monetary euphoria in 1996. Vasotec, Prinivil, and Mevacor still had their patents. Zocor was kicking ass. Merck owned all the classes for which they had products.

In December of 1996, however, an urgent meeting was organized in Dallas with their sales force. The reason: Lipitor was about to be approved in early 1997.

Knowing that the efficacy of this statin would be superior than the efficacy of their own statins, Merck was a bit concerned.

Yet not entirely, as they still viewed themselves as the alpha company in the pharmaceutical industry.

During that meeting, their sales reps. were re-assured that Lipitor should not be of concern to them, as they work for Merck. Enough said.

Well, it turns out Lipitor ravishly ate the market share merck had with statins within a matter of months. Merck lost 10s of billions of dollars in market capitalization before Lipitor was marketed for a full year.

So even though merck was losing patents within a couple of years on blockbuster drugs they had been promoting, such as the first statin, and two ace inhibitors, they still were not too concerned.

because vioxx was anticipated to be the first cox II inhibitor marketed in the world. Corporate hope- similiar to hope one has as they gamble slot machines in Vegas.

Merck was again wrong.

Celebrex got to market a full half year before vioxx got FDA approval. Historically, the first in a new class of medications to reach the market will own the lion's share of that market. This, in fact, concerned merck.

Vioxx was their last card they could play to resurrect lost revenue. Merck had to assure that Vioxx was going to be king of the Cox II hill.

All in Merck had something to do with the promotion of vioxx and the attempts to generate scripts rapidly and thoroughly. There were neurology specialty reps., IV antibiotic hospital reps- selling vioxx in one way or another. Possibly, family members of merck employees were influencing the prescribing habits of health care providers with Merck. Who knows?

At the same time, post-marketing studies that were released almost immediately after vioxx approval, such as with the VIGOR trial.

These trials had concerns that were being brought to light, whereas only some merck insiders knew of the incredible dangers associated with vioxx years before vioxx was approved by the ever so industry friendly FDA.

So, in order to continue to pathologically re-acquire lost revenue that merck forgot where it went, apparently, merck performed acts of displacement with the negative trials they created- the benefits of vioxx were quite clear to them.

We must not forget that Merck has those who are responsible marketers.

Their psychosis is being demonstrated right now with the Austrailian trial that has had about 60 stories so far illustrating their wrongdoings to the health of others.

Clever job running with this trial, boys. Your PR litigation communications team likely is taking copious amounts of psychotropic drugs now to deviate away from reality just as their client had some time ago, much to the dismay of public health.

Dan Abshear