Phoni Pharmaceutical’s CEO Johnny B. Sinister today announced that his company “fully supported” the 10:23 campaign publicising the “pseudo-science” behind the increasingly popular healthcare fad of homeopathy.
The 10:23 campaign, organised by the UK’s Merseyside Sceptics, is intended to raise awareness about the “reality of homeopathy, how it can be proven not to work and why homeopaths' claims are impossible”.
“Homeopathy is an insult to the science of human healthcare and to the modern pharmaceutical industry as a whole,” said Mr. Sinister in a press conference earlier today.
“It is inflicting expensive products with no clinical benefits whatsoever on to a gullible and unsuspecting public, whilst at the same time making ludicrous and unsupportable claims for efficacy and safety,” he continued.
“Such quackery is leading to a dangerous situation where the public is being conned into taking completely ineffective medicines, instead of treatments with tried and trusted benefits. And what’s worse, we are now seeing a trend where those who speak out about this quackery are being silenced by threat of prosecution under the ludicrous UK libel laws.”
“Practitioners of homeopathy are either amateur scam artists or are hopelessly misguided,” Mr. Sinister said.
“The pushing of expensive, useless and possibly harmful products on the back of dodgy science should be left to professional pharmaceutical companies such as Phoni, and not to a bunch of johnny-come–lately amateurs like homeopaths,” he observed.
“We really don’t care for the idea of homeopaths muscling in on our market for quack medicines and then using legal scare tactics to frighten off critics”, said the Phoni CEO.
“That’s our job, and so we’re only too happy to support any campaign that looks to discredit the competition…”
Follow the links to the 10:23 campaign and the Merseyside Skeptics. Read about Simon Singh’s legal battle with the British Chiroquackers (sorry, Chiropracters) Association here.
Don’t forget to sign the petition to get homeopathic medicines subject the same scrutiny as real ones.
Read more about the increasing use of “libel tourism” as a means of silencing critics here.
And for an example of a healthcare company using libel tourism to suppress anyone who speaks out about their dangerous products, go here.
This is all scary stuff….
1 comment:
A relevant dilbert cartoon strip.
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