Monday, May 03, 2010

Pharma Giles writes ...

Jay Bryne; “Think of the Internet as a weapon on the table. Either you pick it up or your competitor does - but somebody is going to get killed."

v-Flatulence looks to
kill” blogger looking at publically-avaiable information

(30 April 2010, St. Louis, MO)

On April 29th, a blogger gained access to a web-site that contained information about AstraZeneca. Sensitive data relating to company products, finances and its Directors was viewed. This unethical hacking (which to us means looking at anything we think our clients might not like) was limited to looking at out-of-date information on Wikipedia. At no time was any v-Flatulence client-owned or proprietary client information accessible via this portal and no such data were compromised.

The only data available on this space were links to publicly available Internet content with draft excerpts and historical analysis summaries of that content which AstraZeneca has
already altered anyway, to make its content more acceptable to the company. The screen shot reveals information associated with potential adverse events and other regulated content for pharmaceutical, medical device and similar regulated healthcare organizations. No company e-mail, legal or other files were housed on this server. No other servers or v-Flatulence company content were compromised.

Nevertheless, this access of a public website containing information about our clients, AstraZeneca, is something that we wish to actively discourage, and would like to be illegal. Our clients don’t want anyone hanging out their dirty washing for public display, and v-Flatulence are paid a lot of money to make sure they know who is doing just that. Any access to anything remotely related to our client is immediately identified by our data and software management team and traced back to the source. We try our best to make sure that anything featuring negative about our clients is closed as a precaution and the application through which vicious and evil hackers (i.e. anyone who thinks negative thoughts about AZ or its products) can gain access is removed.

While no specific client data was breached, we take any access of any computer anywhere seriously as soon as people Google “AstraZeneca”. In the bizarre little world we operate in, we call that cybercrime, and are quite happy to initiate a campaign of “smear and fear” against anyone who might
harbour even the slightest negative thought about those wonderful humans beings who are our clients.

Remember, creeps. We’re watching you…

For more information please contact or call (877) 835-8362


Anonymous said...

Once more you show your never ending reparte' of brilliance and satirical wit Pharma Giles

Anonymous said...

Seems like JB is not a man with a sense of humor...