Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New rules for Harvard doctors - The Boston Globe

Faculty can still:
■ Conduct industry-funded research

■ Work as paid consultants for industry

■ Found biotechnology companies

■ Hold stock in health care companies (limited to $30,000 in a public company; no stock can be held in a private company if the company sponsors the faculty member’s research)

■ Be a paid member of company scientific advisory boards

Faculty cannot:
■ Give talks as paid members of company speakers bureaus

■ Earn more than $10,000 annually from a company on whose products they conduct clinical trials (Previous limit was $20,000)

■ Accept personal gifts, travel, or meals from companies

Other provisions
■ Harvard will post on its website faculty members’ financial interests in, or payments from, drug and medical device companies of $5,000 or more.

■ Companies can no longer pay for specific Harvard-run continuing medical education courses for doctors, unless more than one company sponsors the course and no one company funds more than 50 percent.

■ Industry exhibits and programs must be at a separate time and place from Harvard continuing medical education courses.

■ The medical school must give permission for faculty to join the fiduciary boards of for-profit health care companies.

Posted via email from Jack's posterous

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