Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wyeth - Prempro: multiply $3 million by 10,000

A Philadelphia jury blasted the drugmaker Wyeth yesterday for failing to warn a patient about breast-cancer risks of its hormone drug Prempro and awarded the Ohio woman and her husband $3 million in damages.

It was the second - and biggest - loss in litigation over Prempro. It has won two Prempro cases, has settled at least one, and has three more trials scheduled for this year.

The company has said it faces about 5,000 cases over its hormone-replacement drugs, including Prempro and Premarin.

But plaintiffs' attorneys say cases involving at least 10,000 people have been filed nationwide in federal and state courts, including roughly 1,800 people in Philadelphia's Court of Common Pleas. Almost all involve breast cancer.

In the annals of pharmaceutical liability, Wyeth already stands out for its $21 billion cost in settling lawsuits over the diet-drug combination known as fen-phen.

"There will come a time when Wyeth will realize it makes good business sense to settle on Prempro, too," said Tobias Millrood, of the law firm Schiffrin Barroway Topaz & Kessler, cocounsel for Jennie Nelson, the latest Prempro plaintiff. "Verdicts like this will help."



Anonymous said...

Hey bro,found out bout u on PeterRost.blogspot who gave u congrats on ur achievement.Now his blog is gone and it connects u(reader) w/ NSA(gov). Do u know if he got hacked???

insider said...

I think its a joke.