Sunday, June 06, 2010

Coming soon! Sex, Lies, and Pharmaceuticals - How Drug Companies Plan to Profit from Female Sexual Disfunction

Out in September 2010
A provocative exposé of the lucrative industry built around a newly constructed disorder.

Set against a backdrop of virtual intercourse, online porn, and burgeoning Viagra sales, this compelling new book reveals how women’s sexual difficulties are being repackaged as symptoms of a new disease—female sexual dysfunction, or FSD.

Award-winning journalist Ray Moynihan and drug assessment specialist Dr. Barbara Mintzes go inside the corridors of medical power to reveal how doctors, psychologists, and pr specialists are now working with global drug companies to promote awareness of this potentially lucrative condition and the drugs being hailed as its cure-all.

Provocative and rigorous investigative journalism, Sex, Lies, and Pharmaceuticals explores the controversy about whether common sexual difficulties should be treated as medical conditions like FSD, which may be a dangerous distraction from the real problems in sexual relationships.

The book also offers practical information about the risks and benefits of the latest pills and canvasses other approaches to understanding common sexual problems.

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