Thursday, June 10, 2010


Pharmaceutical CompaniesSource: Online Colleges and Universities


Anonymous said...

The poster loses all credability with the final statement about a professor having a cure for diabetes.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Weissman also the guy with a car that gets 100mpg and a cure for cancer?

How many boxtops does it take to get a PhD for Online Universities?

Anonymous said...

"One example is Weissman’s mid-’90s research on type I diabetes, in which he demonstrated the ability to fully cure type I diabetes in mice using stem cells. But even though the experiments avoided political controversy by using so-called adult stem cells, which do not come from embryos, Weissman ran into a road block when pharmaceutical companies refused to sponsor clinical trials. The therapy went nowhere. Weissman implied that the pharmaceutical companies had put profit over principle, preferring to keep diabetes sufferers dependent on costly insulin than to cure them once and for all.

'He [Weissman] has a long history of being at the forefront of his field,' Arthur Palmer, professor of structural biology at Columbia said, remarking that Weissman has never been afraid to challenge scientific orthodoxy."