Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Canada lists the top prescription drugs Americans buy online | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

Canada lists the top prescription drugs Americans buy online | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times

Plavix (an anticoagulant often used to prevent blood clots), Advair (a corticosteroid used for asthma), Flomax (an alpha-adrenergic blocker often given to men with enlarged prostates), Asacol (for inflammatory bowel disease), Nexium (an antacid), Zetia, Crestor and Lipitor (for treating high cholesterol), Synthroid (for hypothryroidism), Prandin, Januvia and Actos (all diabetes medications), Premarin (estrogen hormones used to treat menopause symptoms), Celebrex (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) and Dilantin (an anticonvulsant used to treat epilepsy).

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