Saturday, August 07, 2010

Are The Media Going Off Their Meds? « Mike Huckman's Blog

Are The Media Going Off Their Meds? « Mike Huckman's Blog: "Healthcare (some people, including me, think it’s one word, others say two) bloggers are demanding to be treated by PR as journalism equals. And even though I’m not convinced it’s a one-size-fits-all media situation, I do think that increasing attention must be paid by PR to who’s blogging, who’s tweeting, how they’re doing it, why they’re doing it and who’s reading or following them. For example, veteran pharma journo Ed Silverman may not have anywhere near the readership on his “Pharmalot“ blog as, say, Natasha Singer who covers the industry for “The New York Times,” but his limited audience may have more power than hers.

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1 comment:

soulful sepulcher said...

Exactly, never under estimate the "little people".

Health care or anti psychotic with reference to long as the word gets out, about AstraZeneca for example wanting the public to believe antipsychotics have turned into antidepressants via marketing.