Monday, November 01, 2010

Mixtard 30 withdrawal will cause NHS upheaval and extra cost - Telegraph

Leading academics say the removal of Novo Nordisk's Mixtard 30 treatment, which some sufferers have relied for more than a decade, would cause significant upheaval for patients and the health service.

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, they warn that a switch to newer drugs will cost the NHS £9 million and add extra work at a time when the service is facing significant job cuts.

"We are alarmed by Novo Nordisk’s attitude to people with diabetes who rely on Mixtard 30 and we urge the company to reverse a decision that is not in the interests of patients, health care professionals or the NHS," said the letter whose signatories include academics from universities across the country and a leading diabetes charity.
Mixtard 30 is used by an estimated 90,000 people in Britain. It is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence as a treatment of choice.
As well as working for thousands of adults, Mixtard 30 is widely used among children.
One clinician said the removal of the product would cause mayhem. He said: "It is an open secret that the withdrawal of that product, at this time, would be difficult for the NHS."
Mixtard 30 belongs to a category of insulin that is cheaper for the NHS to buy, but, according to the latest analysis by experts, it is just as effective as the newer, more expensive generation of diabetic drugs.
Novo Nordisk claim to be withdrawing it at the end of the year because of a lack of demand.
But the experts say that if it was available in an injecting pen form then it would increase sales.
The letter is the latest reaction to their decision which has been met with dismay by patients, doctors and charities.
Douglas Smallwood, Diabetes UK Chief Executive, said: "We are very disappointed about this withdrawal as it is not in the best interests of people with diabetes.
"We think this is wrong and asked Novo Nordisk to reconsider their decision, considering the 90,000 or so people currently using Mixtard 30, but they argued they are committed to withdrawing all older types of human insulin over time.
“We then asked for a longer withdrawal period to ensure a properly coordinated response to this, but that proposal was also turned down.”
Jenny Hirst, of the Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT), said: "It is bad for people with diabetes because their lives will be disrupted as they have to get used to a different insulin.
"It is bad for the NHS due to the increased ongoing costs and bad for the health care professionals whose workload will be increased."

Posted via email from Jack's posterous

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