Sunday, July 03, 2011

More on Biederman et al - Coffee, ADHD stimulants, and antipsychotics are very profitable to Harvard these days |

These actions seem to be a slap on the wrist considering the fact that the antipsychotics prescribed to tens of thousands of toddlers in the U.S. alone, all based on dubious industry-tainted research from the psychiatrists investigated, have led to irreparable physical and mental harm. (Antipsychotics cause significant weight gain, diabetes, and permanent muscle spasms, as well as increased risk of death. Socially, a child labeled with a mental illness requiring antipsychotics permanently alters the course of that child’s life.)

Harvard was less than forthcoming with the results of the investigation. According to NPR, “Harvard and the MGH didn’t allow much sunshine in on the outcome of its lengthy investigation of the case. The MGH issued a brief statement to reporters saying that “appropriate remedial actions have been taken by the hospital to address specific issues.”

Posted via email from Jack's posterous

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