Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pill Fiction - continued

Poor PhRMA! This story wont go away.

Quick recap: The above august body decided to try and frighten the US public from buying cheaper Rx medicines from Canada by commissioning a pulp fiction triller about terrorists poisoning such medicines! Read more here:


The story was picked up by two US newspapers: the Los Angeles Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer. They have dug and found much more dirt!

According to Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Thomas Ginsberg, "This is no pulp fiction farce. Call it bookgate, an impossible-to-make-up public-relations disaster now dogging the pharmaceutical industry."

Insider says: call it a another, particularly lurid and farcical, example of how Big Pharma will resort to deception and dishonesty to promote their causes.

Read more of the lurid and farcical details here:


Hat tip: Roy M Poses at Health Care Renewal

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