Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Merck trial - "Their kids are watching"

In her summing up Merck lawyer Diane Sullivan warmed up well and put the plaitiffs MI down to postal worker "stress". Nothing to do with the Vioxx he was taking. No siree.

Diane then defended remarks made by Merck executives that suggested they were aware of Vioxx risks years ago, saying, "If there were one or two stupid e-mails, it's not a basis for judging a whole company."

Really, Diane?

Then it all went a bit pear shaped, as in the latest in a series of clashes with the judge, Sullivan was rebuked for making off-limit remarks. Pointing to Merck employees, Sullivan told the jury, "Their kids are watching."

"That was just so wrong," Judge Higbee said after the jury left the courtroom. "For some reason, you don't seem to know where to draw the line. You have to have the integrity and intelligence to know where that line is."

Insiders' view: To all the people who have just invested in Merck stock: well, it's your money! To Merck: settle!

Source: NJ Online

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