Tuesday, November 01, 2005

One pharma reps career change

To whistleblower!


This follows on from the Serono "Cannes kickback" affair, where a number of reps received millions as part of a $704 million deal with the US Attorney Generals' office:


Insiders' view: Big Pharma will not like this development one little bit. This is coming just at a time when some companies are unertaking "stealth" reductions in their fieldforces.

Many companies will have already "cleaned house", but it all depends if indivdual reps have kept their own copies of potential "smoking gun" documents.

Look at the Vioxx case and the mileage made by plaintiffs lawyers over the now infamous "Dodgeball" training documents!

One final thought. Could a rep have a case against a doctor who solicits inappropriate gifts and inducements?


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